Difference between revisions of "Template:SDU-Denmark/js/simple/app"

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     render() {
     render() {
         return (React.createElement("div", { className: "about-container" },
         return (React.createElement("div", { className: "about-container" },
             React.createElement("h2", { className: "text-red-500" }, "This is About page"),
             React.createElement("h2", { className: "text-red-500" }, "This is not About page"),
             React.createElement(Buttons_1.NextStationButton, { nextStation: this.props.nextStation })));
             React.createElement(Buttons_1.NextStationButton, { nextStation: this.props.nextStation })));
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// Importing a single entry
// Importing a single entry
//# sourceMappingURL=3d34a4fd-app.js.map
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Revision as of 17:08, 1 October 2019

// default/src/index.jsx $fsx.f[157] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const React = $fsx.r(3); const ReactDOM = $fsx.r(7); const Application_1 = $fsx.r(153); $fsx.r(154); $fsx.r(155); $fsx.r(156); ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(Application_1.Application, null), document.getElementById("root")); //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map } // default/src/components/application/Application.jsx $fsx.f[153] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const tslib_1 = $fsx.r(8); const React = $fsx.r(3); const react_router_dom_1 = $fsx.r(29); const ScrollToTop_1 = $fsx.r(30); const SubwayMenu_1 = $fsx.r(33); const sitemap_1 = $fsx.r(151); $fsx.r(152); const renderMergedProps = (component, ...rest) => {

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}; const PropsRoute = (_a) => {

   var { component } = _a, rest = tslib_1.__rest(_a, ["component"]);
   return (React.createElement(react_router_dom_1.Route, Object.assign({}, rest, { render: routeProps => {
           return renderMergedProps(component, routeProps, rest);
       } })));

}; class Application extends React.Component {

   render() {
       return (React.createElement("div", { className: "Application" },
           React.createElement("div", { className: "top" },
               React.createElement("div", { className: "logo" })),
           React.createElement(react_router_dom_1.BrowserRouter, { basename: "/Team:SDU-Denmark/simple" },
               React.createElement(SubwayMenu_1.SubwayMenu, Object.assign({}, { sitemap: sitemap_1.default })),
               React.createElement("hr", null),
               React.createElement(ScrollToTop_1.default, null, sitemap_1.FlatSitemap.map((item, index) => {
                   let nextStation;
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                       nextStation = sitemap_1.FlatSitemap[index + 1];
                   else {
                       nextStation = sitemap_1.FlatSitemap[0];
                   return React.createElement(PropsRoute, { exact: true, key: index, path: item.path, component: item.comp, nextStation: nextStation });

} exports.Application = Application; //# sourceMappingURL=Application.js.map } // default/src/components/application/ScrollToTop.jsx $fsx.f[30] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const React = $fsx.r(3); const react_router_1 = $fsx.r(28); class ScrollToTop extends React.Component {

   componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
       if (this.props.location !== prevProps.location) {
           window.scrollTo(0, 0);
   render() {
       return this.props.children;

} exports.default = react_router_1.withRouter(ScrollToTop); //# sourceMappingURL=ScrollToTop.js.map } // default/src/components/application/SubwayMenu.jsx $fsx.f[33] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const tslib_1 = $fsx.r(8); const React = $fsx.r(3); const react_router_dom_1 = $fsx.r(29); const react_router_1 = $fsx.r(28); const lodash_1 = $fsx.r(31); class Menu extends React.Component {

   constructor(props) {
   UNSAFE_componentWillMount() {
       return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
   render() {
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               React.createElement(react_router_dom_1.Link, { to: item.path, className: (props.location.pathname == item.path) ? activeClass : "" }, item.displayName),
               item.children && item.children.length &&
                   React.createElement("ul", { className: ((props.location.pathname == item.path) || !lodash_1.default.isUndefined(lodash_1.default.find(item.children, (i) => { return props.location.pathname == i.path; }))) ? "block" : "hidden" }, item.children.map((subItem, index) => {
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                           React.createElement(react_router_dom_1.Link, { to: subItem.path, className: (props.location.pathname == subItem.path) ? activeClass : "" }, subItem.displayName)));

} exports.SubwayMenu = react_router_1.withRouter(Menu); //# sourceMappingURL=SubwayMenu.js.map } // default/src/sitemap.js $fsx.f[151] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const lodash_1 = $fsx.r(31); const Home_1 = $fsx.r(35); const Description_1 = $fsx.r(36); const Results_1 = $fsx.r(37); const About_1 = $fsx.r(40); const Attributions_1 = $fsx.r(43); const PublicEngagement_1 = $fsx.r(45); const partners_1 = $fsx.r(49); const Parts_1 = $fsx.r(51); const Design_1 = $fsx.r(69); const Model_1 = $fsx.r(70); const Protocols_1 = $fsx.r(71); const Safety_1 = $fsx.r(72); const Notebook_1 = $fsx.r(73); const IHP_1 = $fsx.r(74); const Future_1 = $fsx.r(75); const Team_1 = $fsx.r(76); const Collaborations_1 = $fsx.r(77); const ProjectOverview_1 = $fsx.r(78); const LabProcessOverview_1 = $fsx.r(79); const HumanPracticesOverview_1 = $fsx.r(80); const PeopleInvolvedOverview_1 = $fsx.r(81); const Test_1 = $fsx.r(108); const Test2_1 = $fsx.r(150); let items = [

       path: "/",
       comp: Home_1.Home,
       displayName: "Home"
       path: "/Description",
       comp: Description_1.Description,
       displayName: "Description & Inspiration"
       path: "/Project_Overview",
       comp: ProjectOverview_1.ProjectOverview,
       displayName: "Project & Results (Overview)"
       path: "/Design",
       comp: Design_1.Design,
       displayName: "Design"
       path: "/Demonstrate",
       comp: Results_1.Results,
       displayName: "But Does it Work?"
       path: "/Model",
       comp: Model_1.Model,
       displayName: "Conjugation Model"
       path: "/Lab_Process_Overview",
       comp: LabProcessOverview_1.LabProcessOverview,
       displayName: "Lab Process and Parts (Overview)"
       path: "/Parts",
       comp: Parts_1.Parts,
       displayName: "Parts Catalogue"
       path: "/Experiments",
       comp: Protocols_1.Protocols,
       displayName: "Protocols & SOPs"
       path: "/Safey",
       comp: Safety_1.Safety,
       displayName: "Safety"
       path: "/Notebook",
       comp: Notebook_1.Notebook,
       displayName: "Notebook"
       path: "/Human_Practices_Overview",
       comp: HumanPracticesOverview_1.HumanPracticesOverview,
       displayName: "Human Practices (Overview)"
       path: "/Human_Practices",
       comp: IHP_1.IHP,
       displayName: "Integrated Human Practices"
       path: "/Public_Engagement",
       comp: PublicEngagement_1.PublicEngagement,
       displayName: "Education & Public Engagement"
       path: "/Future",
       comp: Future_1.Future,
       displayName: "What's Next for Conjugaid?"
       path: "/People_Involved_Overview",
       comp: PeopleInvolvedOverview_1.PeopleInvolvedOverview,
       displayName: "People Involved (Overview)"
       path: "/Team",
       comp: Team_1.Team,
       displayName: "Team"
       path: "/Attributions",
       comp: Attributions_1.Attributions,
       displayName: "Attributions"
       path: "/Collaborations",
       comp: Collaborations_1.Collaborations,
       displayName: "Collaborations"
       path: "/Sponsors",
       comp: partners_1.PartnersSponsors,
       displayName: "Sponsors & Partners"
       path: "/about",
       comp: About_1.About,
       displayName: "About",
       children: [
               path: "/Attributionsss",
               comp: Attributions_1.Attributions,
               displayName: "Attributions"
               path: "/Collaborationsss",
               comp: Collaborations_1.Collaborations,
               displayName: "Collaborations"
               path: "/Sponsorsss",
               comp: partners_1.PartnersSponsors,
               displayName: "Sponsors & Partners"
       path: "/test",
       comp: Test_1.Test,
       displayName: "TestPage"
       path: "/test2",
       comp: Test2_1.Test2,
       displayName: "Tinder"

]; exports.default = items; exports.FlatSitemap = lodash_1.default.chain(items).map((station) => {

   if (!station.children)
       return station;
   else {
       return lodash_1.default.concat(station, station.children);

}).flatten().value(); //# sourceMappingURL=sitemap.js.map } // default/src/components/Content/home/Home.jsx $fsx.f[35] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const tslib_1 = $fsx.r(8); const React = $fsx.r(3); class Home extends React.Component {

   UNSAFE_componentWillMount() {
       return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
   render() {
       return (React.createElement("div", { className: "" },
           React.createElement("div", { className: "content" },
               React.createElement("div", { className: "row" },
                   React.createElement("h3", null, "Abstract"),
                   React.createElement("p", null,
                       "In 2050, the number of deaths caused by infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria is predicted to exceed that of cancer (O\u2019Neill, 2014). Existing therapeutic strategies cannot keep pace with the rapid progression of antibiotic resistance. To combat this challenge, innovative approaches must be developed. ",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       " In collaboration with our local hospital, we have designed a plasmid-based CRISPR/Cas-system targeting antibiotic resistance in pathogenic strains of E. coli. This system is delivered using an E. coli vehicle, which transfers the plasmid to the target in the gastrointestinal tract by bacterial conjugation. Thus, our system can be used to sensitize pathogens to antibiotics. ",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       " We believe that antibiotic resistance cannot be resolved by scientific solutions alone. Therefore, we aim to provide future generations with tools to creatively solve this global challenge. For this purpose, we have collaborated with students and teachers to develop a 5E model-based teaching material to supplement the Danish high school curriculum.")),
               React.createElement("div", { className: "row" },
                   React.createElement("h3", null, "Introduction"),
                   React.createElement("p", null,
                       "Welcome to our wiki! We are Conjugaid - the 2019 iGEM-team from University of Southern Denmark, and we cannot wait to tell you about all the amazing things we have been up to for the past year.",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       "Our story begins with the meeting of 11 people from 4 different studies. We\u2019re a multi-disciplinary team with a wide range of scientific and personal backgrounds. Together, we strive to push the boundaries for the use of synthetic biology by creating new, innovative, and biological solutions to global issues.",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       "Soon after meeting we traveled to a cottage far away from our busy lives, with the aim of coming up with an incredible project idea. This was where we realized that our differences are in fact our biggest strength. By combining the unique skills and thoughts of each team member, Conjugaid was created. "),
                   React.createElement("div", { className: "figure_container" },
                       React.createElement("img", { src: "T--SDU-Denmark--group-picture.png" })),
                   React.createElement("p", null, "We are so excited to invite you on a journey through our entire iGEM-project! Just click \u2018next\u2019 and you will be guided on a tour telling you everything you need to know about Conjugaid.")))));

} exports.Home = Home; //# sourceMappingURL=Home.js.map } // default/src/components/Content/Project_Description/Description.jsx $fsx.f[36] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const React = $fsx.r(3); class Description extends React.Component {

   render() {
       return (React.createElement("div", null,
           React.createElement("div", { className: "content" },
               React.createElement("div", { className: "row" },
                   React.createElement("h3", null, "Project Description & Inspiration"),
                   React.createElement("p", { className: "italic intro_quote" }, "\"You wanna fight back?\""),
                   React.createElement("p", null,
                       "This is essentially the question we ask bacteria every time we put them in contact with antibiotics. Wouldn\u2019t you defend yourself if someone asked you the same question? When it comes to bacteria, they don\u2019t have much of a choice. On the other hand, fighting back is something they do naturally - all the time. ",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       "Ever since Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928, antibiotics have been our weapon of choice for fighting pathogenic bacteria [K]. It did not take long, however, before the bacteria learned what we were up to, and they quickly became resistant to our attacks.",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       "But then we fought back. With the discovery of new antibiotics such as streptomycin, methicillin and spectinomycin, we thought we had the bacteria under control. Nevertheless, no matter how many different antibiotics we develop, bacteria will inevitably become resistant [K] and cause potentially lethal infections that cannot be treated. ",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       "As a result of this, the World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that in 2050, antibiotic resistant infections could be the cause of 10 million deaths per year if action is not taken now. Furthermore, the economical toll this could have on society could potentially resemble those of the 2008-2009 global financial crisis [K].",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       "Thus, it is crucial that we develop novel and innovative strategies, both short- and long-term, that can help in the quest for combating antibiotic resistance.Thus, it is crucial that we develop novel and innovative strategies, both short- and long-term, that can help in the quest for combating antibiotic resistance.",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       "The vision for Conjugaid is to aid society in finding a successful solution to antibiotic resistance. We view antibiotic resistance as a multifaceted problem that needs to be addressed from multiple aspects. Therefore, Conjugaid partly takes a therapeutic and an educational approach.",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       "Therapeutically, we aimed at designing donor bacteria with a conjugative plasmid containing a CRISPR/Cas-system. Via conjugative delivery, the CRISPR/Cas-system is designed to cut and thereby downregulate the expression of specific (nogle bestemte resistenser?) resistance genes in bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, the bacteria will become sensitive to antibiotics, which has a broad clinical potential to limit the spread of antibiotic resistance. ",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       "Educationally, we tackled the issue by actively increasing public information about the implications of antibiotic resistance and the potential of synthetic biology to help alleviate it. Our main focus has been the creation of a lesson plan involving a 5E model-based teaching material consisting of a 7-chapter e-book, teaching manuals and laboratory protocols. The material has been practically tested and evaluated in collaboration with high-school students and teachers majoring in biotechnology. ",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       "By focusing on education and public information as well as on the science behind the solution, we can not only develop new technologies but also develop the scientists of tomorrow. This creates the potential of solving the problem of antibiotic resistance in an efficient short- and long-term manner [K].",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       "The Nature article \u201CEnabling genetic analysis of diverse bacteria with Mobile-CRISPRi\u201D [K] initially inspired our project by making us realize the potential of CRISPR in revolutionising the therapeutic strategies used to combat antibiotic resistance. Furthermore, our team were incredibly drawn to the thought of \u201Cturning back time\u201D to the days where every antibiotic agent could successfully treat infected patients. We imagined a world in which antibiotic resistance was no issue at all - a world in which the genes encoding this resistance could simply be removed. This thought inspired us and paved the way for Conjugaid as a defined project.")))));

} exports.Description = Description; //# sourceMappingURL=Description.js.map } // default/src/components/Content/Project/But_Does_It_work/Results.jsx $fsx.f[37] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const React = $fsx.r(3); class Results extends React.Component {

   render() {
       return (React.createElement("div", null, "results"));

} exports.Results = Results; //# sourceMappingURL=Results.js.map } // default/src/components/about/About.jsx $fsx.f[40] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const tslib_1 = $fsx.r(8); const React = $fsx.r(3); const Buttons_1 = $fsx.r(38); class About extends React.Component {

   constructor(props) {
   UNSAFE_componentWillMount() {
       return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
   render() {
       return (React.createElement("div", { className: "about-container" },
           React.createElement("h2", { className: "text-red-500" }, "This is not About page"),
           React.createElement(Buttons_1.NextStationButton, { nextStation: this.props.nextStation })));

} exports.About = About; //# sourceMappingURL=About.js.map } // default/src/components/widgets/Buttons.jsx $fsx.f[38] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const React = $fsx.r(3); const react_router_dom_1 = $fsx.r(29); class NextStation extends React.Component {

   constructor(props) {
       this.nextStation = () => {
       this.state = {
           next: props.nextStation
   render() {
       return (React.createElement("button", { className: "text-red-300", onClick: this.nextStation }, "NEXT STATION"));

} exports.NextStationButton = react_router_dom_1.withRouter(NextStation); //# sourceMappingURL=Buttons.js.map } // default/src/components/Content/People_Involved/Attributions/Attributions.jsx $fsx.f[43] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const tslib_1 = $fsx.r(8); const React = $fsx.r(3); const AccordionWidget_1 = $fsx.r(41); const Buttons_1 = $fsx.r(38); class Attributions extends React.Component {

   UNSAFE_componentWillMount() {
       return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
   render() {
       let accordionData = {
           backgroundColor: "bg-green-400",
           title: "Attributors to Conjugaid",
           itemTitleColor: "text-green-800",
           items: [
                   title: "Supervisors",
                   content: `

A special thanks to our supervisors:


Mikkel Girke Jørgensen

Mikkel has been the primary supervisor throughout our project, and he’s been responsible for handling iGEM on SDU for many years now - so he’s really good at it! Mikkel has been of assistance to us within every aspect of our project, but always makes it a point to never tell us no. Whatever we wanted to do, we could do - Mikkel has merely been gently guiding us.

Frederik Bartholdy Flensmark Neergaard

Frederik is an MSc student and a former iGEM participant. From teaching us how to make LB media in the very beginning to helping perfect our wiki-text just before the freeze, Frederik has been of great help to our team throughout our entire project

Felix Boel Pedersen

Like Frederik, Felix is an MSc student and a former iGEM participant. Felix has been of assistance in all areas of our project, from the beginning till the end, but his wisdom when it comes to creating the perfect iGEM-wiki has been especially influential.


                   title: "Laboratory and Technical Support",
                   content: `
The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Southern Denmark

for providing us with lab space and equipment.

Laboratory technician Simon Rose

for general lab support, technical assistance and introduction to safety and practicalities in the lab. Simon has especially been of great assistance when introducing us to various difficult techniques in the lab, such as qPCR and purification of chromosomal DNA.

Former iGEM-participant Patrick Rosendahl Andreassen

for troubleshooting and assistance in the lab and in the development of fluorescence microscope.

Former iGEM participant Thøger Jensen Krogh

for troubleshooting when problems arose in the lab.

Eric van der Helm and Andreas Porse From SNIPR Biome

for letting us visit them and giving general and technical feedback and advice on our project.

PhD and associate professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Southern Denmark Finn Kirpekar

for conjugation advice.

The Academy of Talented Youths

for visiting our facility and helping us purify some of our plasmids.


                   title: "Human Practices",
                   content: `

Educational Material

The Team

Our team has independently written all text in our e-book, “What’s up with antibiotics?”. Furthermore, we have made every illustration present in the book ourselves. We have also filmed and edited start-of-chapter introductory videos by ourselves. By using the online graphical design software tool Visme.com, our team members have designed the entire book. We have also created the teaching guides and the laboratory protocols independently. Lastly, we have created evaluation forms and processed these based on the testing of our material on high school students. We would, however, like to thank the following contributors for helping us shape and create our educational material:

Odense Katedralskole (a local high-school) and biotechnology-teacher Jesper Terp

for collaborating with us, providing us with 800 minutes of educational hours in his class and for input on the content of our educational material.

Msc student Flemming Nielsen

for creating an educational video about BLAST for our educational material.

PhD, associate professor and head of Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Jakob Møller-Jensen

for appearing in educational videos created for each chapter of our educational material.

Forensic chemist and science communicator with UNF Martin Worm-Leonhard

for inspiration and valuable insights to creating educational material for high-school students.

Biotechnology-teacher at Odense Technical High-school (OTG) Jesper Houmann Kattai

for valuable input on the shortcomings regarding microbiology and synthetic biology in the Danish high-school curriculum.

Students at Aalborg Katedralskole (a high school)

for surveying preliminary chapters and reporting opinions on difficulty and readability.


for insights into the practical aspects behind the creation of an educational e-book about science.

SciShow and Kurzgesagt

for allowing us to refer to their educational videos throughout the text in our e-book, “What’s up with antibiotics?”


for discounts on their software, which we used to design our e-book.


The Team

Regarding our symposium on antibiotic resistance, hosted at the University Hospital of Odense on Wednesday the 4th of September, our team has independently planned the entire event. We contacted the four speakers (see below) and arranged every practicality and we arranged our own talk at the event. In collaboration with the hospital, we arranged catering of coffee, tea and snacks and organized a live-streaming of the event. We would like to thank the following contributors:

Chief physician at Statens Serum Institut (SSI) Ute Wolff Sönksen

for speaking at our symposium.

MD and specialist in pediatric infectious diseases Alexandra Kruse from Doctors Without Borders (MSF)

For speaking at our symposium.

Professor, chief physician and Dr.Med. Hans Jørn Kolmos

For speaking at our symposium.

PhD, researcher and associate professor at the Department of Clinical Microbiology at the University of Southern Denmark Janne Kudsk Klitgaard

For speaking at our symposium.

Odense University Hospital

for providing the facilities, catering and live-streaming services for our symposium on antibiotic resistance.

Public Engagement

The Team

Our team has independently arranged multiple outreach-events and talks throughout our project. We would, however, like to thank the following contributors for providing us with the opportunities to engage in outreach:

Outreach Coordinator at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Lise Junker Nielsen

for providing us with opportunities to engage with high school students via multiple outreach-events.

Svendborg High School and teachers Jørgen Dinesen (Biotechnology) and Christian Maaløv Andreasen (Physics and chemistry)

for reaching out and coordinating a day of workshops at our workspaces at SDU.

UNF Biotech Camps

for inviting us to speak at their events.

The Danish Science Festival

for providing us with a booth at their annual event. Thank you all the visitors attending our booth, especially the kids and youngsters who drew their own “Superbacterium”.

Sustainable Development Goals

The Team

Our team has had the UN’s 17 SDGs in mind throughout our entire project, but we would like to thank the following contributors for creating opportunities to engage with the SDGs in our community:

The Municipality of Odense

for hosting an event on the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals and thereby giving us the opportunity to engage within this field.

The People’s Democratic Festival

for hosting their 9th annual People’s Democratic Festival at the island of Bornholm in Denmark. With the festival they created the perfect foundation for debating democracy and opportunities for sustainable development in many ways.

Danish iGEM Weekend

The Team

Our team independently planned and executed the Danish iGEM Weekend in its entirety, but we would like to thank the following contributors for helping us making the meetup a reality:

Former iGEM participant Thøger Jensen Krogh

for hosting a workshop during the Danish iGEM Weekend on creating a successful iGEM-wiki.

SDU & Bikubenfonden

For providing accommodation for all attending teams during the Danish iGEM Weekend.

IDA Student Union

for sponsoring the Danish iGEM Weekend

Pharmadanmark Student Union

for sponsoring the Danish iGEM Weekend

</div `

                   title: "Fundraising",
                   content: `
The Team

Our team has independently written each fundraising application that we’ve sent out. However, we would like to thank the following contributors for assisting and supporting us along the way:

Jakob Møller-Jensen, Head of Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Southern Denmark,

for supporting our iGEM project.

Marianne Holmer Dean of The Faculty of Science at the University of Southern Denmark,

for supporting our iGEM project.

Henrik Dam Vice-Cancellor at University of Southern Denmark,

for supporting our iGEM project.

IDA Student Union and Pharmadanmark Student Union

for sponsoring our Danish iGEM Weekend.

Our project supervisors

for proof-reading our fundraising applications and guiding us along the way.


                   title: "Other General Support",
                   content: `
All former iGEM participants at SDU

for attending our preliminary presentation and providing us with valuable feedback before the Giant Jamboree.

DTU Biobuilders

For hosting their 7th annual BioBrick Tutorial and for participating in our Danish iGEM Weekend.

Ovulaid, the iGEM Team Copenhagen

for hosting this year’s Nordic iGEM Conference and for participating in our Danish iGEM Weekend.

Nina Bjørnskov

For giving us the opportunity to promote our project by allowing us to take over the Faculty of Science’s Instagram page (@sduscience) for a week.

Anders Boe

for creating our final team video.

Arvid Larsson

from the 2019 iGEM team Lund, for providing valuable advice and support in designing our modeling system.


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                   React.createElement("h1", { className: "text-6xl" }, "Attributions"))),
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               React.createElement("div", { className: "row" },
                   React.createElement("p", null,
                       "Our team began our project by brainstorming project ideas in January 2019. We had many initial ideas, but ultimately chose to work on Conjugaid - an idea thought up solely by our team-members. In March 2019 we begun working in the lab after an introductory safety and practicalities course. We have accomplished many things on our own, including the formulation, design and execution of our laboratory experiments as well as the writing, designing and planning of our educational material and lesson plan (e-book, illustrations, teaching guides, laboratory protocols and evaluations included). Additionally, we have independently managed and dealt with all communications regarding Integrated Human Practices, Fundraising and promotion of our project. All work within modelling and data processing has been carried out by Conjugaid team members. ",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       "However, there are limitations to what one can accomplish alone, which is why our team would like to say a huge \u201Cthank you!\u201D to everyone involved in our project. Keep reading to get to know the people who helped us make Conjugaid a reality.")),
               React.createElement(AccordionWidget_1.AccordionWidget, { model: accordionData })),
           React.createElement(Buttons_1.NextStationButton, { nextStation: this.props.nextStation })));

} exports.Attributions = Attributions; //# sourceMappingURL=Attributions.js.map } // default/src/components/widgets/AccordionWidget.jsx $fsx.f[41] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const React = $fsx.r(3); function AccordionWidget(props) {

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   UNSAFE_componentWillMount() {
       return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
   render() {
       let accordionData = {
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                   title: "Overskrift 1",
content: `


                   title: "Overskrift 2",
                   content: "bla bla bla text 2"
                   title: "Overskrift 3",
                   content: "Bla bla bla bla text 3"
       return (React.createElement("div", null,
           React.createElement("div", { className: "content" },
               React.createElement("div", { className: "row" },
                   React.createElement("p", null,
                       "In a time of rising scientific scepticism [K], it is more important than ever to maintain the integrity of the scientific community. Without the support of governments and the public, we as scientists cannot combat societal problems like antibiotic resistance. One way to help maintain this integrity is by opening up the scientific community to the public and engage them in our work. ",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       "We have tried to achieve this engagement through five actions: "),
                   React.createElement("ol", null,
                       React.createElement("li", null, "Coming up with novel ideas to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals"),
                       React.createElement("li", null, "Assessing the need for knowledge amongst legislators"),
                       React.createElement("li", null, "Engaging with high school students"),
                       React.createElement("li", null, "Engaging with the general public"),
                       React.createElement("li", null, "Being active on social media")),
                   React.createElement("p", null, "All of which can be read about in the following section. ")),
               React.createElement("div", { className: "row" },
                   React.createElement("h2", null, "Education"),
                   React.createElement("p", { className: "intro_quote" }, "\u201CThe goal of education is not to increase the amount of knowledge but to create the possibilities for a child to invent and discover, to create men who are capable of doing new things.\u201D - Jean Piaget"),
                   React.createElement("p", { className: "italic" }, "There once was a boy named Peter. He lived an ordinary life, but one day it took a turn for the worse, when Peter got very ill. The doctors told him, \u201CPeter, bacteria are making you sick, our antibiotics won\u2019t work and we don\u2019t know what to do!\u201D Luckily for Peter, an alternative solution was found.."),
                   React.createElement("p", null,
                       "This is the story of \u2018What\u2019s up with antibiotics?\u2019, the open-source, case-oriented e-book produced by our team. The e-book is a part of a longer lesson-plan created by our team in collaboration with Danish high school students and teachers. The lesson-plan is supported by teaching manuals and laboratory protocols, and it addresses fundamental microbiology, the use of antibiotic agents, the aspects of antibiotic resistance and the current and future prospects of the CRISPR-technology. It is aimed at Danish high school students majoring in biotechnology, and it supports (rather than expands) the current curriculum for these studies. You can read an English excerpt of the first two chapters here, and you can view the e-book in its entirety in Danish here.",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       "According to the first objective of the WHO Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance [K], awareness about antibiotic resistance through public communication and education is needed. This requires continuous effort, and therefore we wanted to create a sustainable resource, available and easy to adopt by others in the future.",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       "We aimed at making the scientific theory as relatable as possible for the students reading it. Thus, we decided to frame the e-book as a clinical case at a hospital\u2019s Department of Microbiology, in which the students act as molecular biologists diagnosing and treating Peter, a patient suffering from a multi-resistant bacterial infection. The e-book frequently refers to educational videos (some filmed by us and some used with permission from SciShow and Kurzgesagt) and covers the following topics: "),
                   React.createElement("ul", null,
                       React.createElement("li", null, "Bacteriology"),
                       React.createElement("li", null, "DNA sequencing"),
                       React.createElement("li", null, "DNA Blasting"),
                       React.createElement("li", null, "Antibiotics and antibiotic resistance"),
                       React.createElement("li", null, "The CRISPR-technology and the bioethics behind it"),
                       React.createElement("li", null, "Creation of scientific posters"),
                       React.createElement("li", null, "Constructive feedback-methods")),
                   React.createElement("p", null,
                       "Using the accompanying laboratory protocols, the students will try out PCR and gel electrophoresis as well as performing two digital exercises elaborating on DNA BLAST and CRISPR. The lesson plan is rounded off with the students creating a scientific poster of their discoveries and their teacher hosting a small poster session in which the students present their findings and provide feedback to their peers.",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       "When creating our educational material we have been inspired by the 5E Teaching Model, which allows students to learn new concepts through a cycle of 5 steps. The 5 steps and our use of them are as follows:"),
                   React.createElement("ol", null,
                       React.createElement("li", null, "Engage: The concept of interest is introduced to the students and any knowledge gaps are filled. This is done by giving a relatable introduction  to microbiology (through the story of Peter) in the first parts of \u201CWhat\u2019s up with antibiotics?\u201D"),
                       React.createElement("li", null, "Explore: The students broaden their knowledge through hands-on learning about some of the scientific methods behind microbiology when visiting our laboratory facilities."),
                       React.createElement("li", null, "Explain: Based on their work in the laboratory during the Explore-phase, the teacher aids the students in understanding and explaining the results (eg. the significance of the bands on their gels)."),
                       React.createElement("li", null, "Elaborate: In order for the students to gain a deeper understanding of their work, they are asked to elaborate their obtained knowledge by creating a scientific poster about the course and presenting it to their peers."),
                       React.createElement("li", null, "Evaluate: The students perform self- and peer-assessment of each other\u2019s scientific presentations using the BIO-feedback model, which is presented to them in the last chapter of \u201CWhat\u2019s up with antibiotics?\u201D")),
                   React.createElement("p", null,
                       "The entire lesson plan, including the e-book, the teaching guides and the laboratory manuals, were fully tested on a class of students from the Danish high school Odense Katedralskole. This high school class is majoring in biotechnology and was our primary test group, and we tested our materials throughout a total of 800 minutes of class time. ",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       "With \u2018What\u2019s up with antibiotics?\u2019 we hope to inform young minds all over the world about antibiotics and the issues the world will face if new strategies to combat emerging resistance are not implemented. By learning about the opportunities that lie within the fields of synthetic biology and biotechnology, perhaps we can help shape the scientists of tomorrow. Click here to read some of the feedback we received from the students.")),
               React.createElement(AccordionWidget_1.AccordionWidget, { model: accordionData }))));

} exports.PublicEngagement = PublicEngagement; //# sourceMappingURL=PublicEngagement.js.map } // default/src/components/Content/People_Involved/Partners/partners.jsx $fsx.f[49] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const tslib_1 = $fsx.r(8); const React = $fsx.r(3); const react_animate_on_scroll_1 = $fsx.r(47); class PartnersSponsors extends React.Component {

   UNSAFE_componentWillMount() {
       return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
   render() {
       return (React.createElement("div", null,
           React.createElement("div", { className: "content" },
               React.createElement("div", { className: "row" },
                   React.createElement("h2", null, "We would like to thank our sponsors:")),
               React.createElement("div", { className: "row" },
                   React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                       React.createElement("h3", null, "The Faculty of Science at University of Southern Denmark")),
                   React.createElement("div", { className: "figure_Container" },
                       React.createElement(react_animate_on_scroll_1.default, { animateIn: "fadeIn" },
                           React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                               React.createElement("img", { src: "T--SDU-Denmark--igem-icon.png" })))),
                   React.createElement("p", null, "for providing us with the fundamental financial support needed in order to create and fulfill Conjugaid, and for providing us with laboratory facilities. The University of Southern Denmark welcomed the first students onto the campus in Odense in September 1966, and things have been developing by leaps and bounds ever since. They now have five faculties with more than 27,000 students, almost 20% of whom are from abroad, and more than 4,000 employees distributed across our main campus in Odense and regional campuses in Slagelse, Kolding, Esbjerg and S\u00F8nderborg. Several international studies document that they conduct world-class research and are one of the top fifty young universities in the world.")),
               React.createElement("div", { className: "row" },
                   React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                       React.createElement("h3", null, "Integrated DNA Technolgies")),
                   React.createElement("div", { className: "figure_Container" },
                       React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                           React.createElement("img", { src: "T--SDU-Denmark--igem-icon.png" }))),
                   React.createElement("p", null, "Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (IDT) develops, manufactures, and markets nucleic acid products for the life sciences industry in the areas of academic research, biotechnology, agriculture, medical diagnostics, and pharmaceutical development. The company's primary business is the production of custom oligonucleotides for molecular biology applications.")),
               React.createElement("div", { className: "row" },
                   React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                       React.createElement("h3", null, "Snapgene")),
                   React.createElement("div", { className: "figure_Container" },
                       React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                           React.createElement("img", { src: "T--SDU-Denmark--igem-icon.png" }))),
                   React.createElement("p", null, "SnapGene offers the fastest, easiest way to plan, visualize, document, and share your everyday molecular biology procedures. The software is used in more than sixty-five countries, in virtually every major research institution, and in most of the largest pharmaceutical and biotech companies worldwide. Free trials are available from the SnapGene website.")),
               React.createElement("div", { className: "row" },
                   React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                       React.createElement("h3", null, "New Englan Biolabs")),
                   React.createElement("div", { className: "figure_Container" },
                       React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                           React.createElement("img", { src: "T--SDU-Denmark--igem-icon.png" }))),
                   React.createElement("p", null, "New England Biolabs (NEB) is renowned for consistently providing exceptional product quality and unsurpassed technical support. In addition to NEB\u2019s commitment to scientific innovation and customer relations, NEB notably ensures the environmental sustainability of the company\u2019s business practices. For nearly four decades, NEB has been shaping the landscape of bioscience research by discovering, developing and supporting superior research reagents. Our passion is our promise.")),
               React.createElement("div", { className: "row" },
                   React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                       React.createElement("h3", null, "Browserstack")),
                   React.createElement("div", { className: "figure_Container" },
                       React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                           React.createElement("img", { src: "T--SDU-Denmark--igem-icon.png" }))),
                   React.createElement("p", null, "Browserstack is an online platform used by web developers and mobile app developers to test how their website or app would work on different browsers, operating systems and mobile devices. This makes it a lot easier to develop a functioning website or app that is functional to all of its users. ")),
               React.createElement("div", { className: "row" },
                   React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                       React.createElement("h3", null, "Codecademy")),
                   React.createElement("div", { className: "figure_Container" },
                       React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                           React.createElement("img", { src: "T--SDU-Denmark--igem-icon.png" }))),
                   React.createElement("p", null, "Codecademy has helped over 45 million people upgrade their careers with engaging, accessible, and flexible education on programming and data skills. We provide over 200 hands-on interactive lessons ranging from Python to R to Javascript and everything in between. Our learners have gone on to start companies, new jobs, and new lives thanks to what they\u2019ve learned with Codecademy.")),
               React.createElement("div", { className: "row" },
                   React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                       React.createElement("h3", null, "Webflow")),
                   React.createElement("div", { className: "figure_Container" },
                       React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                           React.createElement("img", { src: "T--SDU-Denmark--igem-icon.png" }))),
                   React.createElement("p", null, "Webflow is an online platform where you can design, develop, and manage completely custom websites, harnessing all the power of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in a visual canvas. Webflow is the only design tool that lets you create production-level code.")),
               React.createElement("div", { className: "row" },
                   React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                       React.createElement("h3", null, "IDA Student Union")),
                   React.createElement("div", { className: "figure_Container" },
                       React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                           React.createElement("img", { src: "T--SDU-Denmark--igem-icon.png" }))),
                   React.createElement("p", null, "IDA is Denmark\u2019s largest interest group and trade union with more than 30,000 students in the fields of IT, natural Science and engineering. A membership of IDA gives you access to cheap insurances, academic and social events and plenty of opportunities to build networks.")),
               React.createElement("div", { className: "row" },
                   React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                       React.createElement("h3", null, "Pharmadanmark Student Union")),
                   React.createElement("div", { className: "figure_Container" },
                       React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                           React.createElement("img", { src: "T--SDU-Denmark--igem-icon.png" }))),
                   React.createElement("p", null, "Pharmadanmark is a union for professionals and students of life sciences. As specialists in the field, we ensure the best advice for our members both within career and legal counseling. With professional networks and events gives you plenty of opportunities to meet like-minded people within the life science industry.")),
               React.createElement("div", { className: "row" },
                   React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                       React.createElement("h3", null, "The Faculty of Science at University of Southern Denmark")),
                   React.createElement("div", { className: "figure_Container" },
                       React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                           React.createElement("img", { src: "T--SDU-Denmark--igem-icon.png" })))),
               React.createElement("div", { className: "row" },
                   React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                       React.createElement("h3", null, "Visme")),
                   React.createElement("div", { className: "figure_Container" },
                       React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                           React.createElement("img", { src: "T--SDU-Denmark--igem-icon.png" }))),
                   React.createElement("p", null, "Visme is an easy to use app that allows anyone create better visual content.They empower anyone to visualize ideas into professional Presentations & Infographics. Visme gives you easy (and powerful) tools to manage and empower your online presence. Visme is the tool of choice to create better Visual Content.")),
               React.createElement("div", { className: "row" },
                   React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                       React.createElement("h3", null, "SciShow")),
                   React.createElement("div", { className: "figure_Container" },
                       React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.sdu.dk/en/", target: "_blank" },
                           React.createElement("img", { src: "T--SDU-Denmark--igem-icon.png" }))),
                   React.createElement("p", null, "SciShow is a youtube channel that discusses science news and history and concepts. With equal parts skepticism and enthusiasm, they go a little deeper without going off the deep end. Most of the time, anyway.")))));

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                       React.createElement("th", null, "Type"),
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                       React.createElement("th", null, "Designer"),
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                       React.createElement("td", null, "Conjugative transfer of RFG"),
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                       React.createElement("td", null, "Conjugativeasdasd transfer of RFG Conjugative transadsfer of RFG"),
                       React.createElement("td", null, "Christian Gejl Christensend naksdnasdnakjndkansdkas jndkjasdnas kjdnjkasnd"),
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  1. <a href="https://www.facebook.com/christiangejl" target="_blank" class="references">Christian Gejl, T.M., & Cullis, P.R., 2013. iposomal drug delivery systems: From concept to clinical applications. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 65(1), pp 36-48.</a>
  2. <a href="https://www.facebook.com/christiangejl" target="_blank" class="references">Christian Gejl, T.M., & Cullis, P.R., 2013. iposomal drug delivery systems: From concept to clinical applications. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 65(1), pp 36-48.</a>
                   title: "Overskrift 2",
                   content: "bla bla bla text 2"
                   title: "Overskrift 2",
                   content: "bla bla bla text 2"
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                   React.createElement("h2", { className: "text-blue-800" }, "Introduction"),
                   React.createElement("h3", null, "The gastrointestinal tract serves as a major gathering place for a widespread number of bacterial species. "),
                   React.createElement("p", null,
                       " The problem with conjugation is that bacteria frequently transfer antibiotic-resistant plasmids between the bacterial community in the gut, thereby leading to the spread of resistant bacteria (",
                       React.createElement("a", { href: "#figure1" }, "see figure 1"),
                       ") . On top of that, resistant bacteria that do not colonize and ",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       " live in the gastrointestinal tract still have the ability to transfer their resistant plasmids to colonizing bacteria which potentially can lead to a resistant gut flora [",
                       React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.facebook.com/christiangejl", target: "_blank", className: "references" }, "Gejl et al. 2020"),
                       "] . This event serves as an increasing threat to healthcare systems and to the community in general. Therefore, on the one hand, conjugation can serve as a disadvantage when thinking of the ability of bacteria to spread resistant plasmids to neighbouring bacteria. On the other hand, conjugation can be utilized for our purpose to spread our designed plasmid containing the CRISPR/dCas-system ",
                       React.createElement("br", null)),
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                           React.createElement("img", { id: "figure1", className: "", src: "T--SDU-Denmark--conjugation.png" })),
                       React.createElement("p", { className: "figure_name text-blue-800" }, "Figure 1.: Schematic overview of Conjugation"),
                       React.createElement("p", { className: "figure_text" },
                           " to the bacterial community in the gastrointestinal tract, in the same manner, assuming that our system can be transferred as the plasmids containing antibiotics.( Gejl et al. 2020",
                           ")In this way, our donor bacteria initiate a domino-like event leading to the dispers")),
                   React.createElement("p", null, "to the bacterial community in the gastrointestinal tract, in the same manner, assuming that our system can be transferred as the plasmids containing antibiotics. In this way, our donor bacteria initiate a domino-like event leading to the dispersal of the CRISPR/dCas-tool to the colonizing bacteria and thereby sensitizing them to specific antibiotics.")),
               React.createElement("div", { className: "row" },
                   React.createElement("h2", { className: "text-blue-800" }, "Introduction"),
                   React.createElement("h3", null, "The gastrointestinal tract serves as a major gathering place for a widespread number of bacterial species. "),
                   React.createElement("p", null,
                       " The problem with conjugation is that bacteria frequently transfer antibiotic-resistant plasmids between the bacterial community in the gut, thereby leading to the spread of resistant bacteria ( ",
                       React.createElement(react_scroll_1.Link, { className: "references", activeClass: "active", to: "test1", isDynamic: true, spy: true, smooth: true, offset: 50, duration: 500 }, "see figure 1"),
                       ") . On top of that, resistant bacteria that do not colonize and ",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       " live in the gastrointestinal tract still have the ability to transfer their resistant plasmids to colonizing bacteria which potentially can lead to a resistant gut flora [",
                       React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.facebook.com/christiangejl", target: "_blank", className: "references" }, "Gejl et al. 2020"),
                       "] . This event serves as an increasing threat to healthcare systems and to the community in general. Therefore, on the one hand, conjugation can serve as a disadvantage when thinking of the ability of bacteria to spread resistant plasmids to neighbouring bacteria. On the other hand, conjugation can be utilized for our purpose to spread our designed plasmid containing the CRISPR/dCas-system ",
                       React.createElement("br", null)),
                   React.createElement("div", { className: "figure_container" },
                       React.createElement("img", { id: "figure1", className: "", src: "T--SDU-Denmark--conjugation.png" }),
                       React.createElement("p", { className: "figure_name text-blue-800" }, "Figure 1.: Schematic overview of Conjugation"),
                       React.createElement("p", { className: "figure_text" },
                           " to the bacterial community in the gastrointestinal tract, in the same manner, assuming that our system can be transferred as the plasmids containing antibiotics.(",
                           React.createElement("a", { href: "https://www.facebook.com/christiangejl", target: "_blank", className: "references" }, "Gejl et al. 2020"),
                           ")In this way, our donor bacteria initiate a domino-like event leading to the dispers")),
                   React.createElement("p", null, "to the bacterial community in the gastrointestinal tract, in the same manner, assuming that our system can be transferred as the plasmids containing antibiotics. In this way, our donor bacteria initiate a domino-like event leading to the dispersal of the CRISPR/dCas-tool to the colonizing bacteria and thereby sensitizing them to specific antibiotics.")),
               React.createElement(AccordionWidget_1.AccordionWidget, { model: accordionData }))));

} exports.Design = Design; //# sourceMappingURL=Design.js.map } // default/src/components/Content/Project/Conjugation_model/Model.jsx $fsx.f[70] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const React = $fsx.r(3); class Model extends React.Component {

   render() {
       return (React.createElement("div", null, "results"));

} exports.Model = Model; //# sourceMappingURL=Model.js.map } // default/src/components/Content/Lab_Process_And_Parts/Protocols/Protocols.jsx $fsx.f[71] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const React = $fsx.r(3); class Protocols extends React.Component {

   render() {
       return (React.createElement("div", null, "Protocols"));

} exports.Protocols = Protocols; //# sourceMappingURL=Protocols.js.map } // default/src/components/Content/Lab_Process_And_Parts/Safety/Safety.jsx $fsx.f[72] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const React = $fsx.r(3); class Safety extends React.Component {

   render() {
       return (React.createElement("div", null, "Safety"));

} exports.Safety = Safety; //# sourceMappingURL=Safety.js.map } // default/src/components/Content/Lab_Process_And_Parts/Notebook/Notebook.jsx $fsx.f[73] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const React = $fsx.r(3); class Notebook extends React.Component {

   render() {
       return (React.createElement("div", null, "Notebook"));

} exports.Notebook = Notebook; //# sourceMappingURL=Notebook.js.map } // default/src/components/Content/Human_Practices/IHP/IHP.jsx $fsx.f[74] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const React = $fsx.r(3); class IHP extends React.Component {

   render() {
       return (React.createElement("div", null, "IHP"));

} exports.IHP = IHP; //# sourceMappingURL=IHP.js.map } // default/src/components/Content/Future/Future.jsx $fsx.f[75] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const React = $fsx.r(3); class Future extends React.Component {

   render() {
       return (React.createElement("div", null, "Future"));

} exports.Future = Future; //# sourceMappingURL=Future.js.map } // default/src/components/Content/People_Involved/Team/Team.jsx $fsx.f[76] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const React = $fsx.r(3); class Team extends React.Component {

   render() {
       return (React.createElement("div", null, "Team"));

} exports.Team = Team; //# sourceMappingURL=Team.js.map } // default/src/components/Content/People_Involved/Collaborations/Collaborations.jsx $fsx.f[77] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const React = $fsx.r(3); const AccordionWidget_1 = $fsx.r(41); const Buttons_1 = $fsx.r(38); class Collaborations extends React.Component {

   render() {
       let accordionData = {
           backgroundColor: "bg-green-400",
           title: "Attributors to Conjugaid",
           itemTitleColor: "text-green-800",
           items: [
                   title: "The Danish iGEM Weekend",
                   content: `

In recent years, Danish iGEM-teams have participated in both the BioBrick Tutorial at the Technical University of Denmark and the Nordic iGEM Conference (NiC). Both of these meetups are international and participating teams come from all over Scandinavia. After meeting the two other Danish teams (Ovulaid from Copenhagen and DTU Biobuilders from DTU) we wished to further strengthen the bond between the Danish iGEM-teams. This lead to us organizing Denmark’s very first, own iGEM-meetup; the Danish iGEM Weekend. The meetup tackled subjects such as wiki-building and public presentation skills. Through workshops and talks hosted by both our own team members and external mediators, all teams received the proper foundation needed to start building and telling the story of their iGEM projects. We hope that Ovulaid and the DTU Biobuilders returned home after our meetup and felt prepared to begin creating their wiki- and Jamboree presentation-storylines. Furthermore, we hope to have started a new tradition of hosting the Danish iGEM Weekend for future iGEM teams from SDU. The bond between the Danish iGEM teams has been strengthened, and our aim is to carry this strong bond into the future. Thus, we also spent time at the Danish iGEM Weekend to formulate ideas for a future Danish iGEM Network. Such a network has many possible outcomes, one being the initiation of new Danish iGEM-teams, both at universities (The universities of Aarhus and Aalborg lack iGEM-teams) and at high schools. The work with initiating the Danish iGEM Network will continue after the Giant Jamboree in 2019, in order for it to hopefully be of assistance to the 2020 iGEM teams. It was also at the Danish iGEM Weekend where we arranged for our team to walk in the Copenhagen Pride Parade with Conjugaid.


                   title: "LGBTQ+ Visbillity",
                   content: `

During the Danish iGEM Weekend the idea came up for our team to participate in the Copenhagen Pride Parade with Ovulaid, the iGEM-team from University of Copenhagen. On a lovely afternoon in mid-August, our team walked with Ovulaid in the Pride Parade as part of the University of Copenhagen float. We did this to promote more diversity in science (#diversityofcopenhagen). To further solidify our opinion on LGBTQ+ visibility in science, and being inspired by the ChemistryWorld opinion “No sexuality please, we’re scientists” and the New York Times opinion “Why is science so straight?”, a team-member of ours wrote a two-piece post for the iGEM blog with Landon Getz from the iGEM Diversity Committee. This also builds upon the LGBTQ Survey done by Team Yale in 2015, which showed that more than half of the respondents wanted iGEM to improve the discussion on how identity impacts one’s scientific career. We hope this contribution will inspire future iGEM teams and supervisors to achieve more accepting, including and open environments.


                   title: "Attending Meetups",
                   content: `

DTU Biobuilders, Biobrick Tutorial, April 2019

From the 12th to the 14th of April 2019, we traveled to the Technical University of Denmark, where DTU Biobuilders are based, in order to participate in their 7th annual BioBrick Tutorial. Here, we learned the basics of how to work with iGEM BioBricks. This was also the first time we were introduced to other iGEM teams, and it was a pleasure to get to know the teams of DTU Biobuilders, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Chalmers, Uppsala, Oslo, Lund and Helsinki better. Gruppebillede fra BioBrick Tutorial

iGEM Team Copenhagen, Nordic iGEM Conference, May 2019

From the 17th to the 19th of May 2019, we visited the University of Copenhagen and their iGEM team, Conjugaid. Here, we participated in this years’ Nordic iGEM Conference, an annual event consisting of workshops on multiple subjects (this year science communication and sustainability was on the programme, amongst other things). Besides having a great time with the other nordic iGEM teams, we left the Conference with the award for “Best Poster.” Gruppebillede fra NiC


                   title: "iGEM Team Amazonas Brazil",
                   content: `

In July 2019 we were contacted by the iGEM team of Amazonas (Brazil). They reached out to iGEM teams all over the world through a common chat (‘Sharing iGEM Ideas’). Here, they asked if anyone had assembled a plasmid containing dCas9, since they required it for their project. At that time we were hard at work trying to design and assemble it ourselves, so we reached out to them and let them know that we would contact them when we succeeded. A few weeks later we had designed, assembled and sequenced our plasmid containing dCas9, and could send it their way.


                   title: "DTU Biobuilders",
                   content: `

After discussing our individual teams’ processes at the Danish iGEM Weekend, the DTU Biobuilders contacted us for technical assistance. Since they ran out of pSB1K3 backbone, we sent some of our pSB1K3 part from the iGEM kit to the DTU Biobuilders so they could continue their work.


                   title: "iGEM Team Lund",
                   content: `

During the summer we began working on our modelling, and we stumbled upon some initial troubles. We remembered talking to a Arvid Larsson, modelling-extraordinaire from the 2019 iGEM team Lund, at both the BioBrick Tutorial and the Nordic iGEM Conference. After reaching out to him we had a discussion via Skype in which we talked all things modelling. Arvid provided us with valuable advice and support in designing our modeling system.


                   title: "iGEM Teams’ Tas_Taipei, Costa Rica & Tuebingen iGEMxSDGs Instagram Challenge",
                   content: `

For this years’ iGEM Competition, the teams of TAS_Taipei (Taiwan), Costa Rica and Tuebingen (Germany) collaborated to create the iGEMxSDG’s Instagram Challenge. This challenge took advantage of the fact that each iGEM team communicates continuously with their communities, and took this opportunity to promote the UN’s 17 SDG’s. The SDG’s can only be achieved if we work on them collaboratively on a global scale, and what better way to help facilitate this than by working on the SDG’s within iGEM. To participate in the challenge each team had to select up to 4 SDG’s targeted by their project and post them on Instagram with a short description. The challenge was then spread throughout the iGEM community when each team challenges 4 other teams to participate. Our team naturally participated and posted the following 4 SDG’s, which we directly target in our project:

  1. Illustration af SDG 3 No. 3: Good health and well-being
  2. Illustration af SDG 4 No. 4: Quality education
  3. Illustration af SDG 12 No. 12: Responsible consumption and production
  4. Illustration af SDG 17 No. 17: Partnerships for the goals

You can read more about our work with the SDG’s here.


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           React.createElement(Buttons_1.NextStationButton, { nextStation: this.props.nextStation })));

} exports.Collaborations = Collaborations; //# sourceMappingURL=Collaborations.js.map } // default/src/components/Content/Project/ProjectOverview.jsx $fsx.f[78] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const React = $fsx.r(3); class ProjectOverview extends React.Component {

   render() {
       return (React.createElement("div", null, "Project Overview"));

} exports.ProjectOverview = ProjectOverview; //# sourceMappingURL=ProjectOverview.js.map } // default/src/components/Content/Lab_Process_And_Parts/LabProcessOverview.jsx $fsx.f[79] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const React = $fsx.r(3); class LabProcessOverview extends React.Component {

   render() {
       return (React.createElement("div", null, "Lab Process Overview"));

} exports.LabProcessOverview = LabProcessOverview; //# sourceMappingURL=LabProcessOverview.js.map } // default/src/components/Content/Human_Practices/HumanPracticesOverview.jsx $fsx.f[80] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const React = $fsx.r(3); class HumanPracticesOverview extends React.Component {

   render() {
       return (React.createElement("div", null,
           React.createElement("div", { className: "content" },
               React.createElement("div", { className: "row" },
                   React.createElement("p", null,
                       "Welcome to our Human Practices! This is where we\u2019ll tell you all about our work outside of the laboratory. We\u2019ve achieved many things within Human Practices, but the one thing that shines through is our belief that increased public information about antibiotic resistance can directly help solve the problem [K]. We are convinced that an issue of this magnitude has to be dealt with by society as a whole just as much as scientists have to work on a solution in the laboratory. ",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       "Within our initial work on Integrated Human Practices we reached out to Ulrik S. Justesen, clinical microbiologist from our local hospital in Odense, the 3rd largest city of Denmark. We discussed our experimental setup with Professor Justesen, and he reported his concerns regarding the spread of critical resistant enterobacteria, especially OXA-48 resistant E. coli,  found in the gastrointestinal tract of an increasing amount of patients. This was a point of no return in our project, where we, following our discussions with Ulrik, decided on three major things: ",
                       React.createElement("br", null)),
                   React.createElement("ol", { className: "pl-10" },
                       React.createElement("li", null, "Targeting enterobacteria in the gastrointestinal tract"),
                       React.createElement("li", null, "Working with E. coli, a prevalent species in the gastrointestinal tract"),
                       React.createElement("li", null, "Aiming at targeting OXA-48 resistance")),
                   React.createElement("p", null,
                       "We see it as a necessary approach to enlighten students in high schools about antibiotic resistance, as they are the generation who will have to deal with the consequences of it. Thus, a great deal of effort has been applied to the Education and Public Engagement part of our project. We have hosted workshops for Danish high school students across the country in a multitude of ways, we have participated in The People's Democratic Festival in Denmark, we have hosted the Danish iGEM Weekend and we have participated in many other outreach events. However, something we pride ourselves in presenting is an open-source lesson plan consisting of educational material (an e-book), teaching manuals and laboratory protocols created solely by our team. This was developed for and tested by Danish high school students majoring in biotechnology as well as their teachers. ",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       " From the very beginning of our project, we have been focusing on integrating the UN\u2019s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a valuable way. Four of the SDGs have been imperative within our project: ",
                       React.createElement("br", null)),
                   React.createElement("ul", null,
                       React.createElement("li", null, "No. 3: Good health and well-being"),
                       React.createElement("li", null, "No. 4: Quality education"),
                       React.createElement("li", null, "No. 12: Responsible consumption and production"),
                       React.createElement("li", null, "No. 17: Partnerships for the goals")))),

} exports.HumanPracticesOverview = HumanPracticesOverview; //# sourceMappingURL=HumanPracticesOverview.js.map } // default/src/components/Content/People_Involved/PeopleInvolvedOverview.jsx $fsx.f[81] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const React = $fsx.r(3); class PeopleInvolvedOverview extends React.Component {

   render() {
       return (React.createElement("div", null,
           React.createElement("div", { className: "content" },
               React.createElement("div", { className: "row" },
                   React.createElement("h3", null, "People Involved (Overview)"),
                   React.createElement("p", { className: "intro_quote" },
                       React.createElement("span", { className: "italic" }, "\u201CIndividually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.\u201D"),
                       " - Ryunosuke Satoro"),
                   React.createElement("p", null,
                       "Something extraordinary happens when teamwork is done correctly. As Satoro writes, a team is like an ocean; constantly undergoing ups and downs, yet capable of achieving great things as a result of all of the powerful forces affecting it. Our team has indeed been affected by many great forces, and without them Conjugaid would never have seen the light of day. Please take a moment to appreciate our team supervisors, who were always there to save us when the seas got rough. Through external attributions we have been able to take our journey with Conjugaid even further, and by collaborating with various iGEM-teams we have broadened our knowledge and had so much fun along the way. Our sponsors have provided us with everything we needed to get Conjugaid going and to make sure we didn\u2019t drown along the way. ",
                       React.createElement("br", null),
                       "Finally, keep reading for a few final words from our team, as well as a few pictures from all of the fun times we\u2019ve spent together over the last year."))),

} exports.PeopleInvolvedOverview = PeopleInvolvedOverview; //# sourceMappingURL=PeopleInvolvedOverview.js.map } // default/src/components/test/Test.jsx $fsx.f[108] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const tslib_1 = $fsx.r(8); const React = $fsx.r(3); const react_scroll_parallax_1 = $fsx.r(106); const Gradients = () => (React.createElement("svg", { width: "50", height: "50", version: "1.1" },

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   componentWillMount() {
       return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
   render() {
       return (React.createElement("div", { id: "tinder" },
           React.createElement(Deck_1.default, null)));

} exports.Test2 = Test2; //# sourceMappingURL=Test2.js.map } // default/src/components/test/test2/Deck.jsx $fsx.f[148] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const react_1 = $fsx.r(3); const react_spring_1 = $fsx.r(109); const react_with_gesture_1 = $fsx.r(110); const data_1 = $fsx.r(111); const nuka_carousel_1 = $fsx.r(147); const to = i => ({ x: 0, y: i * -4, scale: 1, rot: -10 + Math.random() * 20, delay: i * 100 }); const from = i => ({ x: 0, rot: 0, scale: 1.5, y: -1000 }); const trans = (r, s) => `perspective(1500px) rotateX(30deg) rotateY(${r / 10}deg) rotateZ(${r}deg) scale(${s})`; function Deck() {

   const [gone] = react_1.useState(() => new Set());
   const [props, set] = react_spring_1.useSprings(data_1.default.length, i => (Object.assign({}, to(i), { from: from(i) })));
   const bind = react_with_gesture_1.useGesture(({ args: [index], down, delta: [xDelta], distance, direction: [xDir], velocity }) => {
       const trigger = velocity > 0.2;
       const dir = xDir < 0 ? -1 : 1;
       if (!down && trigger)
           gone.add(index)(set)(i => {
               if (index !== i)
               const isGone = gone.has(index);
               const x = isGone ? (200 + window.innerWidth) * dir : down ? xDelta : 0;
               const rot = xDelta / 100 + (isGone ? dir * 10 * velocity : 0);
               const scale = down ? 1.1 : 1;
               return { x, rot, scale, delay: undefined, config: { friction: 50, tension: down ? 800 : isGone ? 200 : 500 } };
       if (!down && gone.size === data_1.default.length)
           setTimeout(() => gone.clear() || set((i) => to(i)), 600);
   return (react_1.default.createElement(react_1.default.Fragment, null, props.map(({ x, y, rot, scale }, i) => (react_1.default.createElement(react_spring_1.animated.div, { key: i, style: { transform: react_spring_1.interpolate([x, y], (x, y) => `translate3d(${x}px,${y}px,0)`) } },
       react_1.default.createElement(react_spring_1.animated.div, Object.assign({}, bind(i), { style: { transform: react_spring_1.interpolate([rot, scale], trans), backgroundImage: `url(${data_1.default[i]})` } }),
           react_1.default.createElement("div", { className: "card" },
               react_1.default.createElement(nuka_carousel_1.default, null, data_1.default[i].pics.map(pic => (react_1.default.createElement("img", { src: pic, alt: "profilePicture" })))),
               react_1.default.createElement("h2", { className: "title" },
               react_1.default.createElement("h2", { className: "age" }, data_1.default[i].age),
               react_1.default.createElement("h5", { className: "distance" }, data_1.default[i].distance),
               react_1.default.createElement("h5", { className: "profile-text" }, data_1.default[i].text))))))));

} exports.default = Deck; //# sourceMappingURL=Deck.js.map } // default/src/components/test/test2/data.js $fsx.f[111] = (module, exports) => { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = [

       pics: [
       name: "Catharina",
       age: 0,
       distance: "x miles away",
       text: "[Insert Text]"
       pics: [
       name: "Emil",
       age: 0,
       distance: "x miles away",
       text: "[Insert Text]"
       pics: [
           "https://scontent-arn2-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/db8a438293b83b54f292ad1c865bfd99/5E2C5B2F/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/p640x640/66502416_107002340490484_1167553703310427718_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-arn2-2.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=104 640w,https://scontent-arn2-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/fba04b313c5d99c004fe94adde5fc0cd/5E31E62F/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/p750x750/66502416_107002340490484_1167553703310427718_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-arn2-2.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=104 750w,https://scontent-arn2-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/530300c3eeffa1918dabf1d4a61b72ad/5E20C3D9/t51.2885-15/e35/66502416_107002340490484_1167553703310427718_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-arn2-2.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=104 1080w"
       name: "Stine",
       age: 0,
       distance: "x miles away",
       text: "[Insert Text]"
       pics: [
       name: "Jacob",
       age: 0,
       distance: "x miles away",
       text: "[Insert Text]"
       pics: [
       name: "Emma",
       age: 0,
       distance: "x miles away",
       text: "[Insert Text]"
       pics: [
       name: "Henrik",
       age: 0,
       distance: "x miles away",
       text: "[Insert Text]"
       pics: [
       name: "Anne Sofie",
       age: 0,
       distance: "x miles away",
       text: "[Insert Text]"
       pics: [
       name: "Ditlev",
       age: 0,
       distance: "x miles away",
       text: "[Insert Text]"
       pics: [
       name: "Annemette",
       age: 0,
       distance: "x miles away",
       text: "[Insert Text]"
       pics: [
       name: "Code redhead",
       age: 0,
       distance: "x miles away",
       text: "[Insert Text]"
       pics: [
       name: "Thea",
       age: 0,
       distance: "x miles away",
       text: "[Insert Text]"

]; //# sourceMappingURL=data.js.map } // Importing a single entry $fsx.r(157);

//# sourceMappingURL=03437fe54-app.js.map