Template:Tongji Software/app/objects/AnimatedMeshLine js

import {

 Mesh, Vector3, SplineCurve, Geometry, Color,

} from 'three'; import { MeshLine, MeshLineMaterial } from 'three.meshline';

import getRandomFloat from 'utils/getRandomFloat';

export default class AnimatedMeshLine extends Mesh {

   width = 0.1,
   speed = 0.01,
   visibleLength = 0.5,
   color = new Color('#000000'),
   opacity = 1,
   position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0),
   // Array of points already done
   points = false,
   // Params to create the array of points
   length = 2,
   nbrOfPoints = 3,
   orientation = new Vector3(1, 0, 0),
   turbulence = new Vector3(0, 0, 0),
   transformLineMethod = false,
 } = {}) {
   // * ******************************
   // * Create the main line
   let linePoints = [];
   if (!points) {
     const currentPoint = new Vector3();
     // The size of each segment oriented in the good directon
     const segment = orientation.normalize().multiplyScalar(length / nbrOfPoints);
     for (let i = 0; i < nbrOfPoints - 1; i++) {
       // Increment the point depending to the orientation
       // Add turbulence to the current point
         currentPoint.x + getRandomFloat(-turbulence.x, turbulence.x),
         currentPoint.y + getRandomFloat(-turbulence.y, turbulence.y),
         currentPoint.z + getRandomFloat(-turbulence.z, turbulence.z),
     // Finish the curve to the correct point without turbulence
     // * ******************************
     // * Smooth the line
     // TODO 3D spline curve https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/577641/how-to-calculate-interpolating-splines-in-3d-space
     // TODO https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/examples/webgl_geometry_nurbs.html
     const curve = new SplineCurve(linePoints);
     linePoints = new Geometry().setFromPoints(curve.getPoints(50));
   } else {
     linePoints = points;

   // * ******************************
   // * Create the MeshLineGeometry
   const line = new MeshLine();
   line.setGeometry(linePoints, transformLineMethod);
   const geometry = line.geometry;
   // * ******************************
   // * Create the Line Material
   // dashArray - the length and space between dashes. (0 - no dash)
   // dashRatio - defines the ratio between that is visible or not (0 - more visible, 1 - more invisible).
   // dashOffset - defines the location where the dash will begin. Ideal to animate the line.
   // DashArray: The length of a dash = dashArray * length.
   // Here 2 mean a cash is 2 time longer that the original length
   const dashArray = 2;
   // Start to 0 and will be decremented to show the dashed line
   const dashOffset = 0;
   // The ratio between that is visible and other
   const dashRatio = 1 - (visibleLength * 0.5); // Have to be between 0.5 and 1.
   const material = new MeshLineMaterial({
     lineWidth: width,
     dashRatio, // The ratio between that is visible or not for each dash
     transparent: true,
     depthWrite: false,
   // * ******************************
   // * Init
   super(geometry, material);
   this.speed = speed;
   this.voidLength = dashArray * dashRatio; // When the visible part is out
   this.dashLength = dashArray - this.voidLength;
   this.dyingAt = 1;
   this.diedAt = this.dyingAt + this.dashLength;
   // Bind
   this.update = this.update.bind(this);

  * * *******************
  * * UPDATE
  * * *******************
 update() {
   // Increment the dash
   this.material.uniforms.dashOffset.value -= this.speed;
   // TODO make that into a decorator
   // Reduce the opacity then the dash start to desapear
   if (this.isDying()) {
     this.material.uniforms.opacity.value = 0.9 + ((this.material.uniforms.dashOffset.value + 1) / this.dashLength);

  * * *******************
  * * *******************
 isDied() {
   return this.material.uniforms.dashOffset.value < -this.diedAt;
 isDying() {
   return this.material.uniforms.dashOffset.value < -this.dyingAt;
