Template:Jilin China/Edu C.js

var content_alpha = { pdf:[ {id:"gg",src:"https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/9/9f/T--Jilin_China--_All--policyb.pdf",miaoshu:"policy_Brief.pdf"}], prospect:{ title:"Engagement" }, part: [{ title: "Overview", para: [

{ type: "word", cont: "We made great efforts to include more people in the discussion of our projects and overall work in synthetic biology.", class: "np5" },

{ type: "word", cont: "In the aspect of public engagement, we held workshops for elementary and high school students and university students to learn more about participants’ understanding for female health and propagate knowledge of synthetic biology. More attractive activities were held like Debate Competition and Laboratory Open Day. Handbooks also was distributed during the competition and at hospital to increase the influence of our project and synthetic biology. We supposed that everyone should have the same right about perusing the knowledge, so we prepared a lecture for students in straitened circumstances. What's more, policy brief was made to solve the problem of waste classification in laboratory.", class: "np5" },


}, { title: "Education", para: [

{ type: "word", cont: "For college students", class: "np2" },

{ type: "pic", maxClass:"max4", cont: [{ num: 1, adress: "T--Jilin_China--Education--1.jpg", pre: 100, }

] },

{ type: "word", cont: "We have conducted a long-term educational lecture. In our peer lecturer class on Friday, we have added knowledge of synthetic biology and related knowledge of our project. We also have produced manuals related to synthetic biology for distribution, so that college students can better understand synthetic biology. ", class: "np5" },

{ type: "word", cont: "We organized a debate contest on biology, which is discussing existing problems in the development of biotechnology, in order to make college students pay attention to biology and related issues.", class: "np5" },

{ type: "pic", maxClass:"max4", cont: [{ num: 1, adress: "T--Jilin_China--Education--2.jpg", pre: 100, }

] }, { type: "word", cont: "We organized a debate contest on biology, which is discussing existing problems in the development of biotechnology, in order to make college students pay attention to biology and related issues.", class: "np5" }, { type: "word", cont: "We also held an open lab day for more students to practice basic molecular cloning experiment technology, which creates a valuable chance for freshman to first touch with synthetic biology.", class: "np5" },

{ type: "pic", maxClass:"max4", cont: [{ num: 1, adress: "T--Jilin_China--Education--3.png", pre: 100, }

] }, { type: "word", cont: "For middle school students", class: "np2" }, { type: "word", cont: "We introduced some basic knowledge of synthetic biology to junior high students, played a wonderful video about the future vision of synthetic biology, and introduced the basic ideas and research progress so far of synthetic biology to students. The students came up with some ideas about using synthetic biology for the benefit of mankind.", class: "np5" },

{ type: "pic", maxClass:"max4", cont: [{ num: 1, adress: "T--Jilin_China--Education--4.jpg", pre: 100, }

] }, { type: "word", cont: "For primary students", class: "np2" },

{ type: "word", cont: "In order to arouse pupils' interest in biology, we made cartoon images and made speeches, and received good feedback.", class: "np5" },

{ type: "pic", maxClass:"max4", cont: [{ num: 1, adress: "T--Jilin_China--Education--5.png", pre: 100, }

] }, { type: "word", cont: "We also have synthetic biology education for poor students in Jilin Province to ensure the equality of the right to education.", class: "np5" },

{ type: "pic", maxClass:"max4", cont: [{ num: 1, adress: "T--Jilin_China--Education--6.png", pre: 100, }

] },


}, { title: "Public engagement", para: [

{ type: "word", cont: "In order to popularize public awareness of women's health and synthetic biology, we have produced pamphlets on women's health and synthetic biology, which have been distributed in hospitals and other places.",

class: "np5" },

{ type: "pic", maxClass:"max4", cont: [{ num: 1, adress: "T--Jilin_China--Education--7.JPG", pre: 100, }

] },

{ type: "word", cont: "We created a public WeChat account and a twitter account, regularly sent out synthetic biology articles and set up online synthetic biology forums to realize the popularization of synthetic biology and two-way dialogue with the community.", class: "np5" },

{ type: "pic", maxClass:"max9", cont: [{ num: 1, adress: "T--Jilin_China--Education--9.PNG", pre: 100, }

] },

{ type: "pic", maxClass:"max9", cont: [{ num: 1, adress: "T--Jilin_China--Education--8.PNG", pre: 100, }

] },


}, { title: "Policy Brief", para: [

{ type: "word", cont: "With the popularization of garbage classification in China, we found the lack of relevant policies on biological garbage classification, so we sent a briefing on biological garbage classification to the experimental center.",

class: "np5" },

{ type:"div", id:"gg", class:["pdfs","pdfcont"] },


}, ]}