

WLC iGEM 2019 | Saftey


Safety in the laboratory is of the utmost priority to WLC-Milwaukee. Before any student could participate in lab work, they were required to train with the wet lab lead. During this training, the use of proper PPE was stressed, as well as what to do in the case of an immediate emergency. This not only aided the safety of our iGEM team in the lab, but also the safety of the other students in the lab. Since WLC-Milwaukee does not have a personal lab space, we must share with other students. Whenever WLC-Milwaukee used lab spaces, they were cleaned promptly upon completion of whatever work was being done. This helped achieve a respectful environment for both our iGEM team and others working in the lab.

Water samples with dangerous amounts of lead were used throughout our research. These samples pose a significant risk to the environment if disposed of improperly. For the entirety of the research, every lead-contaminated waste product was carefully disposed of. Similarly, one may wonder how E. coli could possibly be safe to handle in the lab and to dispose of properly. All strains of E. coli used during all phases of research were safe and meant for use in labs. For more information on WLC-Milwaukee’s conduct regarding safety, see our iGEM safety form HERE.