


One main goal of the project, is engineering BMCs in a way to produce nanoreactors. To achieve this, we need to do 2 very important tasks.

  • Demostrate that our desired metabolites pass through the pores inside the Pdu system
  • Demostrate that enzymes encapsulates and have activity.

We discuss the achievements

Pore engineering and metabolite permeability

Experimental reports used purified BMCs and whole cell to measure enzymatic activity. There are only a few reports of synthetic BMCs using different substrates and enzymes, however there are not experimental or methods to knowing if the substrates may pass through the pores. As a different approach, we use, in base of other computational reports, Molecular Dynamics simulations and RSMD analysis to know if desired substrates may be, permeable using protein engineering. This is great step to the use of rational engineering of biological systems.

Enzyme encapsulation

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