Team:Tongji Software/demo5 js

!function (e) {

   function t(t) {
       for (var o, a, c = t[0], u = t[1], s = t[2], l = 0, p = []; l < c.length; l++) a = c[l], r[a] && p.push(r[a][0]), r[a] = 0;
       for (o in u), o) && (e[o] = u[o]);
       for (f && f(t); p.length;) p.shift()();
       return i.push.apply(i, s || []), n()
   function n() {
       for (var e, t = 0; t < i.length; t++) {
           for (var n = i[t], o = !0, c = 1; c < n.length; c++) {
               var u = n[c];
               0 !== r[u] && (o = !1)
           o && (i.splice(t--, 1), e = a(a.s = n[0]))
       return e
   var o = {}, r = {4: 0}, i = [];
   function a(t) {
       if (o[t]) return o[t].exports;
       var n = o[t] = {i: t, l: !1, exports: {}};
       return e[t].call(n.exports, n, n.exports, a), n.l = !0, n.exports
   a.m = e, a.c = o, a.d = function (e, t, n) {
       a.o(e, t) || Object.defineProperty(e, t, {enumerable: !0, get: n})
   }, a.r = function (e) {
       "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, {value: "Module"}), Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {value: !0})
   }, a.t = function (e, t) {
       if (1 & t && (e = a(e)), 8 & t) return e;
       if (4 & t && "object" == typeof e && e && e.__esModule) return e;
       var n = Object.create(null);
       if (a.r(n), Object.defineProperty(n, "default", {
           enumerable: !0,
           value: e
       }), 2 & t && "string" != typeof e) for (var o in e) a.d(n, o, function (t) {
           return e[t]
       }.bind(null, o));
       return n
   }, a.n = function (e) {
       var t = e && e.__esModule ? function () {
           return e.default
       } : function () {
           return e
       return a.d(t, "a", t), t
   }, a.o = function (e, t) {
       return, t)
   }, a.p = "";
   var c = window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || [], u = c.push.bind(c);
   c.push = t, c = c.slice();
   for (var s = 0; s < c.length; s++) t(c[s]);
   var f = u;
   i.push([30, 0]), n()


   27: function (e, t, n) {
   }, 30: function (e, t, n) {
       "use strict";
       var o = n(1), r = n(6), i = n(15), a = n(10), c = n(9), u = n(2), s = n(11), f = n(7), l = n(8), p = n(34),
           y = n(37), h = n(35), b = n(36);
       function d(e) {
           return (d = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (e) {
               return typeof e
           } : function (e) {
               return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e
       function v(e, t) {
           for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
               var o = t[n];
               o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, o.key, o)
       function w(e, t) {
           return !t || "object" !== d(t) && "function" != typeof t ? function (e) {
               if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
               return e
           }(e) : t
       function m(e) {
           return (m = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (e) {
               return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e)
       function O(e, t) {
           return (O = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (e, t) {
               return e.__proto__ = t, e
           })(e, t)
       var g, j, P = n(4);
       n(14), n(27);
       function S(e, t) {
           for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
               var o = t[n];
               o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, o.key, o)
       function _(e, t, n) {
           return (_ = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (e, t, n) {
               var o = function (e, t) {
                   for (; !, t) && null !== (e = F(e));) ;
                   return e
               }(e, t);
               if (o) {
                   var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, t);
                   return r.get ? : r.value
           })(e, t, n || e)
       function k(e) {
           return (k = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (e) {
               return typeof e
           } : function (e) {
               return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e
       function M(e, t) {
           if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
       function x(e, t) {
           return !t || "object" !== k(t) && "function" != typeof t ? function (e) {
               if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
               return e
           }(e) : t
       function F(e) {
           return (F = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (e) {
               return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e)
       function T(e, t) {
           if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
           e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
               constructor: {
                   value: e,
                   writable: !0,
                   configurable: !0
           }), t && z(e, t)
       function z(e, t) {
           return (z = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (e, t) {
               return e.__proto__ = t, e
           })(e, t)
       var E, L = new (g = Object(f.a)({x: 1, y: 1}, .1), Object(l.a)((E = j = g(j = function (e) {
           function t() {
               return M(this, t), x(this, F(t).apply(this, arguments))
           return T(t, r["a"]), t
       }()) || j, j = function (e) {
           function t(e) {
               var n;
               return function (e, t) {
                   if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
               }(this, t), (n = w(this, m(t).call(this, e))).clock = new o.Clock, n.currentPass = !1, n.effects = {}, n.passes = [], n.composer = new p.a(n.renderer, {}), n.effects.render = new y.a(n.scene,, n.addPass(n.effects.render), n
           var n, r, i;
           return function (e, t) {
               if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
               e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
                   constructor: {
                       value: e,
                       writable: !0,
                       configurable: !0
               }), t && O(e, t)
           }(t, E), n = t, (r = [{
               key: "addBloomEffect", value: function (e, t) {
                   this.effects.bloom = new h.a(e), this.effects.bloom.blendMode.opacity.value = t, this.addPass(new b.a(, this.effects.bloom))
           }, {
               key: "addPass", value: function (e) {
                   this.passes.length && (this.passes[this.passes.length - 1].renderToScreen = !1), this.passes.push(e), this.composer.addPass(e), this.passes[this.passes.length - 1].renderToScreen = !0
           }, {
               key: "render", value: function () {
           }, {
               key: "resizeRender", value: function () {
                   this.composer && this.composer.setSize(this.width, this.height)
           }]) && v(n.prototype, r), i && v(n, i), t
       }() || j)) || j); = 3,L.addBloomEffect({resolutionScale: .5, kernelSize: 4, distinction: .01}, 1);
       var C = new a.a("", {color: "#FFFFFF", size: 0.2, opacity: 1});
       C.position.x -= .5 * C.basePosition;
       // var C2 = new a.a("Path Search", {color: "#FFFFFF", size: 0.03, opacity: 1});
       // C2.position.x -= .5 * C2.basePosition,C2.position.y -= 1.5 * C2.basePosition;L.add(C2);
       var R = new i.a;
       R.update = function () {
           R.rotation.y -= 4e-4, R.rotation.x -= 2e-4
       }, L.add(R);

       var A = new o.Vector3, B = new o.Vector3, I = new o.Raycaster,
           // D = new o.SphereBufferGeometry(8, 32, 32, 0, 3.2, 4, 2.1),
           D = new o.ConeBufferGeometry(4, 12, 32, 32, false, 0, 2*Math.PI),
           // D = new o.BufferGeometry().fromGeometry(circleGeo),circleGeo
           J = new o.MeshBasicMaterial({wireframe: !0, visible: !1}), V = new o.Mesh(D, J);
       L.add(V), V.position.z = -.5;
       var q = ["#FFFAFF", "#0A2463", "#3E92CC", "#723bb7", "#efd28e", "#3f9d8c"].map(function (e) {
           return new o.Color(e)
       }), G = new (function (e) {
           function t() {
               return M(this, t), x(this, F(t).apply(this, arguments))
           var n, o, r;
           return T(t, c["a"]), n = t, (o = [{
               key: "addLine", value: function () {
                   for (var e = Object(u.a)(-2.4, 7.2), n = -1250 * Math.PI / 180, o = 200 * Math.PI / 180, r = []; n < o;) {
                       n += .2, e -= .1, A.set(4 * Math.cos(n), e, 4 * Math.sin(n)), B.set(-A.x, 0, -A.z), B.normalize(), I.set(A, B);
                       var i = I.intersectObject(V, !0);
                       i.length && r.push(i[0].point.x, i[0].point.y, i[0].point.z)
                   0 !== r.length && (Math.random() > .5 ? _(F(t.prototype), "addLine", this).call(this, {
                       visibleLength: Object(u.a)(.003, .12),
                       points: r,
                       speed: Object(u.a)(.0013, .0018),
                       color: Object(s.a)(q),
                       width: Object(u.a)(.01, .1)
                   }) : _(F(t.prototype), "addLine", this).call(this, {
                       visibleLength: Object(u.a)(.05, .2),
                       points: r,
                       speed: Object(u.a)(.01, .1),
                       color: q[0],
                       width: Object(u.a)(.05, .01)
           }]) && S(n.prototype, o), r && S(n, r), t
       }())({frequency: .99}, {
           transformLineMethod: function (e) {
               return e
       L.add(G), L.start();
       var H = new TimelineLite({
           delay: .2, onStart: function () {
       });".overlay", 2, {autoAlpha: 0}), H.fromTo(L.lookAt, 3, {y: -4}, {
           y: 0,x :-1.3,
           ease: Power3.easeOut
       }, "-=2"), H.add(, "-=2"), P.a.onHide(function (e) {
           var t = new TimelineLite;
 , 2, {
               y: -6,
               ease: Power3.easeInOut
           }), t.add(C.hide, 0), t.add(G.stop),".overlay", .5, {autoAlpha: 1, onComplete: e}, "-=1.5")
