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Please wait, bees are using energy to fight against the Asian hornet!
Please wait, bees are using energy to fight against the Asian hornet!

To Bee... Hornet to Bee, or using bacteria to fight against an invasive species

All these species have a role in their habitat, let's discover more about them!

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The Asian hornet - Invasive species in France, very efficient predator and very protective about its nest. Contrary to collective thoughts, it is not more dangerous for human than its European cousin. However, its nest hosts three times more individuals than its cousin's nest. Accordingly, the colony needs more food and may unbalance the environment by its predation efficiency and because it has no predator. Its presence stresses bees, stop them going out to supply the hive and lead them to starve during winter.
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The honey bee - Principal pollinator of the environment, its action is vital to most of habitats. Without these little fellows, we may lost until 80% of our plants. They have the same venom as the other Hymenoptera but avoid to sting because they die if they do.
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The European hornet - Natural predator of a lot of insects in France, which is useful to control populations. It also helps in cleaning waste and carcass. Can be agressive, but it's not dangerous to non-allergic people if alone.
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The bumblebee - Major pollinator insect, peaceful and often trapped because of sweet baits.
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The European wasp - Very polyvalent species, predator, pollinator and waste cleaner, the wasp is essential to our environment. Its venom is the same as other Hymenoptera and is only dangerous to allergic people.
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The butterfly - Very good pollinator, this insect is really sensitive to climate conditions changes. Most of the species present patterns on their wings to intimidate predators.
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The fly - One of the most useful insect in the environment, they clean it day after day from any waste. A lot of species are also pollinators, but on other plant species than honey bees; they don't have the same tastes.