Team:Auburn Alabama/Notebook


January 18th - first meeting to discuss our possible project idea -we decided to focus on detecting possible harmful substances in makeup -we assigned a possible substance for us to detect to each member to do further research on -lead- Sarah, aluminum- Chase, sulfate- Andrew, paraben- Amy and Jaeyoung, Phtalates- Michael, Triclosan – Scott

January 24, 2019- second meeting

January 28th- looked at Avon laboratories, ARKRAY inc, and Siemens healthcare as practitioners of cell transformation stuff and synthetic biology (Amy)

February 19th – researched into cell free protein synthesis

March 8th – gave everyone an excerpt from the Genetic Engineering Book to read (pages 24-37)

March 18th – planned next weeks practice transformation experiment with kit KIT: 1x DNA Playground 1x Zero to Genetic Engineering Hero book 4x Canvas Kits 1x Group Engineer-it Kit (enough for 8 genetic engineering experiments - you can sub in your own DNA plasmids) 2x Plate Extract-it Kits4

March 22nd- pour plates

March 26th- practice transformation procedure with kit

March 27th- checked plates- two worked two failed

April 2nd- looked into other teams projects (“Here are a few of last year’s high school teams and their projects: Bioremediation of biofilm Inexpensive diagnostics kit to detect AND predict cholera outbreaks Visual detection of excess fluoride in water HIV-1 diagnostics kits for infants in developing nations Arsenic detector Getting E. coli to light up LIGHTBULBS Trying to cure Huntington’s disease")

April 5th- discussed the other teams projects and what we could realistically do

April 9th- discussed our wiki and created bios, gave Alice pictures for our IGEM avatars -looked into metal sensitive promoters that we could use in our plasmid, we were each supposed to look one up for the next meeting (in stock in bio brick registry)

April 16th- we talked about the promoters we found and now we were each supposed to find a reporter protein in the bio brick registry (in stock)

April 23rd – discussed reporters we found + Cowen Erwin joins

April 26th- discussed picking our RBS and whether we were going to focus on cobalt or mercury promoter; we decided on the cobalt promoter because it also could detect nickel but the team had not characterized it on the IGEM wiki

April 30th- Began planning our summer and what we were going to do

May 3rd- We discussed how we would do the transformation experiment with our individual parts (this was before we knew we could send in the plasmid pairs to companies to have them synthesized for us) Also figured out that the RBS came with the kits IGEM sends us)

May 10th- Our logo is finished by Alice

May 30th- we discussed our summer plans and when we were going to do the transformation- mainly discussed schedules

June 5th- Discussed our transformation and finalized our schedules for the summer

June 7th- delegated duties to team members for the short term -1. Safety form -2.project description and inspiration (Andrew and Michael) -3. IGEM wiki- Chase and Alice -4. Human practices- Amy, Cady, Cowen, Jae -5. Safety- Scott

June 11th- Skype with University of Alabama team -rediscussed the order and method of our transformation and re-discussed our plans, talked about our progress

June 19th- was assigned our mentor

June 24th - Sarah completed the draft of the Safety Form, and Michael and Andrew completed the Project Description and Inspiration to our wiki.

July 1st - found out that plasmid construction is very hard as you lose yield in every step; so made IDT account and started designing our plasmid.

July 22nd -ordered fully constructed plasmids from IDT

August 15th - received the plasmids, one with chromoprotein and another with fluorescnce that are sequence verified, that we ordered. Members gathered and discussed about transformation and characterizing.

September 1st - ordered nickel acetate powder

September 3rd - got our plasmids but we didn’t have IDTE buffer to resuspend them so planned to use distilled water for our transformation.

September 9th - Sarah worked on our wiki’s abstract.

September 11st– first trial for transformation

September 18th - found out that transformation did not work, so started second trial for transformation

September 19th - found out that transformation did not work, so started third trial for transformation

September 20th - found out that transformation did work

September 30th - tried testing with nickel solution to see if the transformation worked to change color. Found out that the color did not change.

October 5th – Tried to test again in nickel

October 6th - found out that the gene may be mutated?

October 12th - meeting at the public library to grind out wiki -we assigned different sections of wiki pages to do -Sarah – Project Design, Safety -Scott – Safety, Notebook -Michael - Notebook